Maintaining and Cleaning Exhaust Walls: Proven Strategies for Long-Term Performance

Having a well-maintained and ventilated system is important if you want to maintain a comfortable environment. Over time, ventilation systems can accumulate dust, debris and other contaminants. This compromises indoor air quality and it also makes your system inefficient. 

Cleaning your Ventilation System


If you want to clean your exhaust wall then the first thing you need to do is hire a professional, as they can carry out a visual inspection of the system. They will take note of any problems with the air ducts, filters, vents and the exhaust fan itself. 


It’s possible to use different methods to clean the system including manual brushing or even air-powered tools such as vacuums. During routine maintenance, the grills will be wiped, and any blockages will be removed. This will improve air circulation and keep anyone who is working within the room area safe. 

Important Steps for Exhaust Wall Maintenance 


Over time, replace any air filters as often as the manufacturer states, and ensure the fans are lubricated. This will remove any grease or dust build-up. It’s possible that over time, the dampers will accumulate grease, so ensure that they’re working as they should be, and not stuck or damaged. 


Your exhaust wall, if used to remove harmful fumes, is essential to your health, so don’t avoid regular maintenance and cleaning. This is the best way for you to keep your system lasting for longer too, as potential repairs can be identified and carried out before the system becomes inefficient.